Managing Diabetes - Know Your Numbers


Diabetes is a very common condition, but the treatment plan will be unique to each person. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are two distinct forms of the condition with different underlying causes and management approaches. Managing diabetes online with telemedicine has never been easier. Let's take a look at the types:

Type 1

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, leading to little to no insulin production. It typically develops in childhood or adolescence and requires lifelong insulin therapy for management.

Type 2

In contrast, Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance, where the body's cells do not respond effectively to insulin, and eventually, the pancreas may fail to produce enough insulin to meet the body's needs. It is often associated with lifestyle factors such as obesity and physical inactivity, although genetic and environmental factors also play a role. Type 2 diabetes can often be managed initially with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise but may progress to requiring oral medications or insulin therapy over time.


A1C, or glycated hemoglobin, measures long-term blood sugar levels, typically used in diabetes management. It reflects the average blood glucose concentration over the past two to three months.

For people with diabetes, monitoring A1C levels is important in managing the condition effectively. A target A1C level is typically set by healthcare professionals based on individual health status and goals, but generally, it's recommended to keep it below 7% to reduce the risk of complications.

Regular monitoring involves scheduling A1C tests every three to six months, depending on the person's diabetes management plan and stability. In contrast, for those without diabetes, monitoring A1C levels is important if there are specific risk factors present, such as a family history of diabetes or other metabolic conditions.

Diabetes for most will likely change over time and that means the medications, or combinations of, may change as well. That is why it is important to follow-up with a provider and have labs drawn periodically.

Not sure what your A1C number is? Request labs from home and stay on top of your numbers.


Managing diabetes effectively requires a multifaceted approach that combines lifestyle modifications with medication.


Key lifestyle choices include adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while limiting sugary and high-carbohydrate foods.


Regular physical activity is also essential for improving insulin sensitivity and controlling blood sugar levels. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight, monitoring blood sugar levels regularly, and managing stress can significantly impact diabetes management.


In conjunction with lifestyle changes, medication may be prescribed to help regulate blood sugar levels. This can include oral medications such as metformin, insulin injections, or other injectable medications that assist in controlling blood sugar.

Stay on top of your diabetes medication refills. Visit MDAnywhere and have prescriptions sent to your pharmacy, the same day. 
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Disclaimer: The content provided above is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider or visit MDAnywhere for treatment.